Flower Essence

Flower essences are energetic remedies used to address issues of emotional or behavioral patternings, soul development and mind-body-spirit wellness. Flower essences are thought to hold the vibrational signature and life-force energy of the plant, imprinted within a water-based matrix (the etheric energy pattern of each particular flower in water, embodying the healing archetype of the plant in its highest form). 

Each flower essence contains its own vibrational resonance which aligns with our own subtle energetic field to bring a sense of healing from the spiritual body to the emotional body, into the mental body and into the physical body. 

Flower essences are listed as Solar or Lunar, meaning they are infused/charged by sunlight or moonlight. The energetics will vary slightly between the two. Lunar essences tend to be a softened, feminine-like energy, while solar essences tend to be a strong, more masculine-like energy. Some products in our collection will offer a variety of astrological correspondences. Trust your own internal compass to choose the one that resonates.

Our organic glycerine base option is suitable for children & pets. Only 1 drop is needed to add to a cup or pet's bowl of water.