Muladhara // Root Chakra
"I Have"
Element: Earth
Astrology: Saturn, Earth
Location: Base of Spine
Body, Organs & Systems: Legs, Feet, Bones, Large Intestine, Teeth, Adrenals, Kidneys, Sciatic Nerve + Excretory System
Muladhara is sanskrit means "base, root or foundation." The root chakra governs our physical body, material needs and security. It is the home of our survival instinct. This chakra corresponds to our stability, foundation, groundedness, self-preservation, trust levels and self-care.
The Root Chakra is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine. Mula-adhaar means Foundation, and is the foundation of the physical structure and the energy body. Unless the Muladhara is stabilized, one may not know a true sense of health, wellbeing, and a sense of stability & completeness. It also represents self-preservation and self-care.
This chakra corresponds to security, inner state of safety, survival instinct, basic needs, physical identity & aspects of self, grounding, support and foundation. The Root chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in growing and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life. This is where we ground ourselves into this Earth and anchor our roots and energy into the manifest world.
Imbalances could include the following: fear, ungroundedness, low self-esteem, confusion, excessive negativity, greed, excessive feeling of insecurity, living on survival mode constantly or fear of physical survival, an unclear purpose, or abandon from part of "the group". For a person feeling imbalanced in this area, it might seem hard to feel safe in the world, and everything may feel a potential risk. One may feel stubborn and inflexible, or cause unhealthy attachment and give us fear of losing those attachments. Physical issues may include: hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, arthritis or knee pain.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.